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Pie Chart

Pie charts are used to represent proportions of a whole. They are often used to show how different categories contribute to a total amount.

Key features and uses of pie charts:

  • Visualize proportions: Pie charts are excellent for showing how different parts of a whole relate to each other.
  • Compare categories: They can be used to compare the relative sizes of different categories.
  • Show percentages: Pie charts can display the percentage of each category in relation to the total.
  • Simple and easy to understand: Pie charts are generally easy to interpret, even for those who are not familiar with data visualization.

Here's a detailed guide on creating a Pie chart with LiveGap charts.

How to create and customize a Pie Chart

Step 1: Create a Pie Chart

To create a new Pie Chart, click the Make your Chart button on the LiveGap Charts Home screen and select Pie Chart from the list of options.

This will open the Chart editor with the default Pie chart loaded.

You can load a different Pie chart from the Gallery by clicking the SELECT CHART button under the CHART tab in the right sidebar.

Step 2: Add data to your chart

Add your data to your Pie chart using the spreadsheet at the bottom of the screen.

Customize Chart

Customize chart in editor

You may also import data from an existing spreadsheet (.csv file) by clicking the DATA tab in the header and then click Import.

Step 3: Customize your Chart

Customize your chart using the various customization options in the right sidebar.

This table describes what each option does.

Step 4: Save your Chart

First, edit your chart's title and subtitle by clicking Chart Title and Add SubTitle Here or by using the Text tab in the right sidebar.

To save your chart locally to your device, click the download icon beneath your chart and choose your desired download option by clicking on one of the popup icons.

You can choose to save your chart as an Image, Video, or in HTML.

To save your chart online, click the FILE tab in the header and then click Save Online from the dropdown.


Click My Charts under the VIEW tab in the header to open a chart previously saved online.

Step 5: Export data (Optional)

If desired, export the data used to create the chart as a spreadsheet (.csv file) by clicking the DATA tab in the header and then click Export.

Customization Options


Option Type Function
Gallery Menu Opens the gallery, allowing you to select from a range of pre-made chart templates.
Chart Type Dropdown Allows selection of the type of chart (e.g., Line Chart, Bar Chart, etc.).
Link Type Dropdown Determines how data points are connected (e.g., point-to-point, spline).
Width Slider Adjusts the overall width of the chart.
Height Slider Adjusts the overall height of the chart.
Total Amplitude Input Field Sets the total amplitude for the chart.
Start Angle Slider Adjusts the starting angle of the chart.
Radius Scale Slider Adjusts the radius of the chart.
BackColor Color Picker Changes the background color of the chart. Click the + button to add more colors.
Canvas Button Opens additional options for adjusting the canvas (padding, margin, color, border, etc.).
    Border Button + Toggle Toggles border around the chart and opens additional settings for customizing it.
    Box Shadow Toggle Toggles a shadow effect around the chart and opens additional settings for customizing it.
Format Section Opens settings for customizing how numbers are displayed on the chart.


Option Type Function
Fill Toggle Enables or disables the filling of the area under the lines in the chart with color.
    Fill style Button Opens options to set the fill style for each line (between color, gradient, and pattern).
    Color Picker Button Opens a color picker to set the fill color.
    Fill pattern Dropdown Opens options to set the fill pattern type for each set of bars (only available when fill style is set to pattern)
    Style Button Opens the color scheme selection window.

In-Graph Data

Option Type Function
In-Graph Data Switch + Button Toggle the display of in-graph data on or off and opens customization options.
Type Dropdown Selects the type of data to display in-graph, such as value, percentage, or label
Position Button + Section Opens configuration options for the position of in-graph data.
Padding X Slider Adjusts horizontal padding of the in-graph text.
Padding Y Slider Adjusts vertical padding of the in-graph text.
Align Dropdown Sets horizontal alignment of the in-graph text. Options include left, center, and right.
VAlign Dropdown Sets the vertical alignment of the in-graph text. Options include top, middle, and bottom.
Rotate Slider Adjusts the rotation angle of the in-graph text.
BackgroundColor Checkbox + Color pricker Enables a background color for the in-graph text.
Border Checkbox + Color picker Enables a border around the in-graph text and enables you to change its color. Click the + button to add separate colors for each set of data points.
Padding Slider Adjusts the padding of the in-graph text's bounding box.
Font Button + Section Allows customization of the font settings for in-graph data.
Font Family Dropdown Selects the font family. Default is 'Open Sans'.
Font Style Icons Options to change the font color or make the font bold or italic. Click the + button to add separate colors for each set of data points.
Font Size Slider Adjusts the font size for in-graph text.


Option Type Function
Icon 1-7 Dropdown Selects different icons to display on the chart.
Color Color Picker Sets the color of the icons.
Size Slider Adjusts the size of the icons.
X Position Slider Changes the horizontal position of the icons.
Y Position Slider Changes the vertical position of the icons.
Rotate Slider Rotates the icons.


Option Type Function
Columns Slider Adjusts the number of columns in the legend.
BlockSize Slider Modifies the size of each block of text and icons in the legend.
Position Section Controls the position of the legend on the chart. Options include X Position (Left, Center, Right) and Y Position (Top, Middle, Bottom).
Padding X Slider Adjusts the horizontal padding around the legend.
Padding Y Slider Adjusts the vertical padding around the legend.
Background Color Color Picker Sets the background color for the legend.
Margin Slider Adjusts the margin around the entire legend box.
Border Multiple Lets you set a border around the Legend and change its color, line type, etc.
Padding Slider Adjusts the padding inside the legend box.
Space Multiple sliders Adjusts the legend's logo and text spacing.
Font Section Allows customization of the font settings for the legend.
Font Family Dropdown Selects the font family. Default is 'Open Sans'.
Font Style Icons Options to change the font color or make the font bold or italic.
Font Size Slider Adjusts the font size for the legend.


Option Type Function
Line Color Color Picker Sets the color of the segment lines.
Line Style Dropdown Selects the style of the segment lines (e.g., solid, dashed).
Line Width Slider Adjusts the width of the segment lines.


Option Type Function
Show Labels Checkbox Toggles the visibility of labels on the scale.
Label Input Field Sets the text for the scale labels.
Show Line Checkbox Toggles the visibility of the line
Line Color Color Picker Selects the color of the scale lines.
Line Width Slider Adjusts the width of the scale lines.
Line Style Dropdown Selects the style of the scale lines (e.g., solid, dashed).
Override Switch + Section Allows manual adjustment of scale starting value, step, and width.
Tick Size Sliders Adjusts the size of ticks on the scale (Top, Bottom, Left, Right).
Font Section Allows customization of the font settings for the scale.
Font Family Dropdown Selects the font family. Default is 'Open Sans'.
Font Style Icons Options to change the font color, or make the font bold or italic.
Font Size Slider Adjusts the font size for the scale.


Option Type Function
Line Color Color Picker Selects the color of the grid lines.
Overlay Checkbox Toggles the overlay of grid lines on the chart.
Line Style Dropdown Selects the style of the grid lines (e.g., solid, dashed).
Line Width Slider Adjusts the width of the grid lines.
X Lines Step Slider Adjusts the spacing between vertical grid lines.
Y Lines Step Slider Adjusts the spacing between horizontal grid lines.


Option Type Function
Title Section Options to customize the chart's title's text, color, fonts, etc.
SubTitle Section Options to customize the chart's subtitle's text, color, fonts, etc.
Footnote Section Options to customize the chart's footnote's text, color, fonts, etc.


Option Type Function
Annotations Toggle Toggles the display of data annotations on the chart when hovering over points with the mouse.
Value Dropdown Selects the data value to annotate on the chart (percentage, label, or value).
BackColor Color Picker Sets the background color for the annotation.
Padding Sliders Adjusts the padding around the annotation (Top, Left, Right, Bottom).
Border Button + Toggle Configures the border settings for the annotation.
Font Button Opens font customization options for the annotation text.


Option Type Function
Steps Slider Adjusts the number of steps in the animation.
Easing Dropdown Selects the easing function for the animation (e.g., Linear).
In & Out Dropdown Chooses the animation direction (In, Out).
By Dataset Checkbox Animates the chart according to the dataset.
Left To Right Checkbox Animates the chart from left to right.
Animate Button Starts the animation.


Option Type Function
Stroke Roughness Slider Adjusts the roughness of the stroke lines.
Stroke Bowing Slider Controls the bowing effect of the stroke lines.
Fill Style Dropdown Selects the fill style for the chart elements (e.g., Hachure).
Fill Weight Slider Adjusts the weight of the fill lines.
Fill Roughness Slider Controls the roughness of the fill.
Fill Bowing Slider Adjusts the bowing of the fill lines.
Hachure Angle Dropdown Sets the angle of the hachure lines.
Hachure Gap Slider Adjusts the gap between hachure lines.